Bulk Minting


Discover the streamlined process for minting multiple NFTs on Loopring. Ideal for large collections, this guide helps you prepare your media files and metadata for efficient bulk minting.


Minting incurs fees from both Loopring and Maize. Plan accordingly.

Requirements πŸ“‹

Minting Steps

Follow these sequential steps to mint your NFTs in bulk:

Initiate Bulk Minting

Within Maize's minting section, select 'Bulk Minting' to begin.

Input General Information

Specify your collection, minting fees (in ETH or LRC), and the directory path for your Metadatas and NFTs. If applicable, include the Animations folder.

Bulk Minting Screen

  • Click the Check button.

Select NFT Amount

  • Choose the number of NFTs to mint for each file (between 1 and 100,000).

Select Royalty Address (Optional)

  • Distribute royalties by entering addresses, separated by commas.


  • Check the fees at the bottom before proceeding.
  • Click Mint.

Final Review

  • Inspect the audit file that Maize auto-generates and cross-verify on Loopring.io.

Audit File


Congratulations on successfully minting your NFTs on Loopring using Maize πŸŽ‰


Regularly back up your data and stay updated with the latest Maize releases for an optimal minting experience.

File Naming and Organization

Properly organize and name your files.

  • Ensure that files in the Metadatas, NFTs, and Animations folders are named sequentially (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.).
  • It's essential that the corresponding files across these folders share the same file name. For example, the file named '2' in each folder should represent the same NFT.
  • This naming convention facilitates the correct association of media, metadata, and animations for each NFT during the minting process.

This careful organization ensures that during minting, the appropriate assets are correctly matched and bundled together as intended.

Controlled Minting Using Metadata Backup

For selective minting:

  • Back up the entire Metadata folder.
  • Place only the desired metadata files (e.g., 5 out of 20) in the Metadata folder for minting.
  • The minting process will only include these selected files.
  • Later, you can add back the remaining metadata files to mint additional NFTs at your convenience.

This method offers flexibility, allowing you to stagger your minting process and maintain control over the timing and quantity of NFT releases.